Split Review: Inhuman Nature / Ninth Realm

In the thrashiest corners of the metal realm, where the fires of chaos burn bright, and the riffs strike like thunder, two forces of thrash metal ascend. Inhuman Nature and Ninth Realm, a force potentially stronger than Crom!, have joined forces to forge an alliance that, much like Pin-Head from Hellraiser, will tear your soul apart!

Inhuman Nature is near and dear to the Citadel’s heart as we’ve interviewed Christopher Barling, lead vocalist and all-around tall Thrash Metal hunk, on the Heavy Metal Citadel podcast in 2022 (but we’re not biased!). Arguably one of the most underrated bands in Trash/Crossover scene in the UK, Inhuman Nature unleashes an onslaught of headbanging goodness that transcends the boundaries of reality with this split.

Let’s just take a moment to appreciate the artwork before we dive into the music. It looks like an artistic rendering of what, I can only assume, Chris does on a Monday morning; he sits in his chair and contemplates lyrics as winged creatures flock around him. If there’s one thing you can count on, the artwork for any Inhuman Nature album, EP, or split will be epic. Just go back and look at Under the Boot, the split with Road Mutant, or the self-titled LP. They’re all so epic, and this split is no exception!

The journey begins with the title track, “Take Them by Force”, a tight, blood-pumping creation that mixes the best of thrash and hardcore. The riffing is tight as fuck booooiiii and is only improved by the gang vocals going, “TAKEN THEM BY FORCE!”. If there’s one thing this crop infestor enjoys, it’s gang vocals! Chris’ voice has definitely matured since the self-titled debut LP. There is a more robust and powerful nature to the vocals that give the songs a more menacing landscape. The breakdown at 1:53 is just too fucking tasty, with Chris letting out a sludgy “Yeeeaaaaaah!” that echos as the chugga chugga of the guitar cuts through. Truly an epic kick-off to the split.

Second on side A is "Beyond The Realms Of Sanity" which opens with a perfectly fitting phaser intro riff and blends into an an inferno of more mean riffage, and skull-crushing drumming and vocals that make you want to stomp around in your nana’s living room with your dirty boots with no remorse for her rug! It's an invitation to a realm where mere mortals fear to tread unless they got their big-boy stompin’ boots.

As we venture deeper into the tracks, we discover Ninth Realm and their hidden nuances. Taking a slower, more crossover direction on side-B, Ninth Realm offers tough-guy, brutal lyrics with some chunky riffs. “Against The Gods” starts off slower and menacing before it kicks up the pace at the two-minute mark. Their tight guitar work and brutal vocals shine through and a rather tasty solo at the end of the song left me cross-armed and feeling pretty powerful! The second track of the B-side, “Conjuring Eternity”, takes a slower pace but makes up for it with its brutality. Playing more on the hardcore side of the genre, Ninth Realm creates a compelling track to bang your head to. There’s also a pretty tasty solo at 2:19 that is the icing on the cake.

Crossover thrash, the embodiment of punk's rebellion and metal's ferocity, finds its true manifestation in this split album. Inhuman Nature and Ninth Realm expertly blend the best of both worlds, creating a furious hybrid that burns with the intensity of a dragon's breath and the resilience of molten steel. So, strap yourselves in and prepare for a headbanging adventure, you wacky folks! Welcome to the realm of unbridled chaos!

Click here to buy the digital album or vinyl on Bandcamp.

Written by: Chort the Crop Infestor

“Hi, I’m Chort! I infest crops and listen to Black Metal. I’ve currently invested most of my life savings into tracking down the REAL Nattramn and telling him how much I love his voice.”

Chort The Crop Infestor

Hi, I’m Chort I infest crops and listen to Black Metal. I’ve currently invested most of my life savings into tracking down the REAL Nattramn and telling him how much I love his voice.


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